🐧Day 3 - Linux & Basic Commands and user management Commands : Part-II

🐧Linux commands for DevOps with examples (Commands used in day-to-day activities or user management).

In the vast world of Linux, mastering the command line is a key skill that empowers users to navigate and manage their systems efficiently. Let's dive into a collection of essential daily use commands and user management tricks that will make your Linux journey smoother. The power lies in the command line!

  1. 1. File Navigation:

     # List files and directories
     # Change directory
     cd [directory_name]
     # Move or rename a file
     mv [old_file_path] [new_file_path]

    2. File Operations:

     # Copy a file
     cp [source_file] [destination_directory]
     # Remove/delete a file
     rm [file_name]
     # Create a new directory
     mkdir [directory_name]

    3. System Information:

     # Display system information
     uname -a
     # Check disk space
     df -h
     # Display memory usage
     free -m

    4. Process Management:

     # List running processes
     ps aux
     # Kill a process by process ID
     kill [process_id]
     # Check resource usage of a process

    5. User Management:

     # Add a new user
     sudo adduser [username]
     # Grant sudo privileges to a user
     sudo usermod -aG sudo [username]
     # Change user password
     sudo passwd [username]

    6. Permissions:

     # Change file permissions
     chmod [permissions] [file]
     # Change ownership of a file
     chown [new_owner]:[new_group] [file]

    These commands serve as your Linux toolkit for daily tasks and user management. As you navigate through the terminal, remember, practice makes perfect. Harness the power of the command line to unleash the full potential of your Linux system. Happy coding! 🚀🐧 .

😊Happy Learning : )