🐧What is Linux?
Linux is an open-source, powerful and versatile operating system known for its command-line interface, which allows users to perform a wide range of tasks efficiency. Linux is available to users at no cost. An operating system is the software that directly manages a system's hardware and resources, like CPU, memory, and storage.
The main components of Linux operating system are:
Applications: Applications in the Linux architecture are software programs that run on top of the operating system and interact with its components.
Shell: In Linux, the shell is a command-line interface that allows users to interact with the system through a set of commands. The most popular shell in Linux is the Bash shell.
Kernel: The kernel is the central component of the Linux operating system architecture. It manages system resources and provides services to applications and processes running on the system.
Hardware: The lowest level of the Linux architecture is the hardware layer. This layer comprises the physical components of a computer, such as the hard drive, RAM, motherboard, CPU, network interfaces, and peripherals.
🚀Basic Linux Commands
1.⚜️File Commands
ls option_flag arguments #list the sub directories and files available in the present directory ls -l #list the files and directories in long list format with extra information ls -a #list all including hidden files and directory ls *.sh #list all the files having .sh extension. ls -i # list the files and directories with index numbers inodes ls -d */ # list only directories.(we can also specify a pattern
2.⚜️Directory commands
mkdir dirName # make a new directory 'dirName' mkdir .Newdir # make a hidden directory (also . before a file to make it hidden) mkdir A B C D #make multiple directories at the same time mkdir /home/user/Mydir # make a new folder in a specific location mkdir -p A/B/C/D # make a nested directory pwd #This command will display the full path to the current directory. cd path_to_directory #change directory to the provided path cd ~ or just cd #change directory to the home directory cd - # Go to the last working directory. cd .. # change directory to one step back. cd ../.. # Change directory to 2 levels back.
In short, Linux has a bunch of useful commands and tools to handle files and directories. The ones we covered here are just a starting point, and whether you're new to Linux or a pro, these commands will be super handy for your everyday tasks in Linux.
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😊Happy Learning : )